
Photograph of the Boxshall family's farm, known variously as Hanging Rock Farm or Boxhall's Farm, probably between 1870 and 1900. The photograph hung as a pair with MM 140637 on the wall in the main bedroom at 'Craigilea' farm, Don's Road, Newham, Victoria.

The donor has identified the people in the photograph as Elizabeth Boxshall, left (1874-1949, daughter of Henry Boxshall and Christina Boxshall - formerly Baldwin, nee Gray) and Christina Dorothy McKenzie, right (1863-1948, daughter of Alfred Baldwin and Christina). Hanging Rock can be seen in the background. The buildings depicted and the clothing worn in the photograph, however, suggest an earlier date.

The widowed Christina Baldwin, mother of four, married Henry Boxshall in 1867 and had nine more children. They all lived at the Boxshall family farm, located near Hanging Rock, Victoria.

Description of Content

Farm scene, with several wooden buildings, two with chimneys, split rail and picket fences, and two women wearing long dresses, pale aprons and hats. One is pointing, the other shading her eyes as she looks in the direction indicated. Bare earth in foreground; low tree-covered hills in background.

Physical Description

The photograph is mounted in a brass-edged oval frame with broken glass cover. Black cardboard backing, very scuffed, with metal ring for hanging, to which is attached a short piece of knotted string.

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