
Poster featuring the phrase 'Real Australians Say Welcome', produced by artist Peter Drew in 2016. The poster is part of his 'Real Australians Say Welcome' poster campaign which he commenced in 2015 by installing one thousand posters around Australia, inspired by the little known second verse of the Australian national anthem that calls upon our 'courage to combine.' Drew's stated aim is to draw attention to the Federal Government's treatment of asylum seekers as well as growing public fear of Australian Muslims. His posters have appeared around Melbourne and other Australian cities, provoking many positive and negative public responses in the forms of counter-posters and graffiti.

Peter Drew is an Adelaide-based cross-media artist whose street art has raised his profile both as artist and social commentator.

Physical Description

Brown paper poster with upper case text printed in black ink.


This set of posters by Peter Drew represents a significant and high profile community artist grassroots response to issues relating to refugees, racism and national identity. The posters have been highly visible and provocative interventions on the walls of Australian city streets. Drew's work has had a national presence, and been interacted with via imitation, graffiti, and layered forms of commentary.

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