
Women's March on Melbourne banner made by one of the organisers, who is a US Citizen living in Melbourne, on her living room floor. On Saturday 21st January 2017 about 6,000 women, men and children marched from the State Library of Victoria to Parliament House as part of the Women's March on Melbourne. It was one of more than 600 coordinated 'Women's March on...' protests that took place across the world on the 21st of January in defence of women's rights and against hatred and bigotry following Trump's inauguration as President of the United States of America. While global in scope and inspired by Donald Trump winning the US Presidency, the marches were nonetheless grassroots in nature with participants marching based on their own interpretation of recent events; some opposed Trump specifically, while others had broader concerns about feminism, women's rights, and the rights of people in the LGBTQ community.

On Sunday 21st January 2018 the banner was used in the making of a human chain as part of one year anniversary event 'Women's March Melbourne: Unbroken' held in the Alexandra Gardens, Melbourne, adding a new layer to it's story.

Physical Description

Blue fabric banner with white and orange text constructed from cut out fabric which has been glued to the main banner. There are six metal eyelets along the top of the banner which allow it to be hung and pockets for two wooden rods at both sides.

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