Eastman Kodak Company, 'Kodak Disc 4000', Rochester, New York, U.S.A., circa 1980s.
The camera, introduced in 1982, used Kodacolor HR disc film. One limitation of the camera was that the disc, which advanced automatically, could only store 15 images. Even though it was called a disc camera, it was, in fact, a film camera producing images on 8.0mm x 10.0mm negatives. Fifteen such negatives were arranged around a circular disc which was housed in a plastic cartridge. The camera was designed for the consumer market: it was compact and simple to load and unload, one of its advantages over roll film cameras.
This product is part of the Kodak collection of products, promotional materials, photographs and working life artefacts collected from Kodak Australasia in 2005, when the Melbourne manufacturing plant at Coburg closed down.
Physical Description
Silver rectangular camera with black lens plate. Built-in flash in top right corner.
More Information
Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Donation from Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd, Ms. Kate Metcalf - Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd, 2005
Courtesy of Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd.
Lens plate: 'KODAK / Disc 4000'.
Model Name or Number
Brand Names
Type of item
Overall Dimensions
120 mm (Width), 80 mm (Depth), 30 mm (Height)