
Alternative Name: Button

Rainbow badge with the slogan Queer Pride Saves Lives produced by the Socialist Alliance in 2017 to support the Yes Campaign in the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey. Legally recognised same-sex marriage is now the norm in many Western countries. Yet in Australia the question of whether 'love is love' remains a socially and politically divisive issue. In 2004 the Australian Marriage Act was amended to define marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman. Between 2004 and 2017 over 20 bills relating to same-sex marriage have been introduced to Federal Parliament, but none have become law. In 2017 the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey asked Australian voters: 'should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?' If a majority of Australians respond 'yes' the expectation is that a bill to legalise same-sex marriage will be tabled in Parliament.

It was collected from the Socialist Alliance stall at Melbourne University, during the campaign period in 2017.

Physical Description

Round rainbow badge with white text.

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