Colour photograph of a small group of Kodak staff in a restaurant in Rochester, New York. The names of the staff are listed on the back of the photograph and one of the group has been identified as coming from New Zealand. It is unclear where the other staff are from.
The staff depicted are (L-R): Janice Keen, Margaret Brumby, Craig Patton, Stefan Bodmar and Song Lee.
This photograph is part of the Kodak Heritage Collection of products, promotional materials, photographs and working life artefacts collected from Kodak Australasia in 2005, when the Melbourne manufacturing plant at Coburg closed down.
Description of Content
Group of men and women seated around a table. Part of a window can be seen behind them.
Physical Description
Colour photograph.
More Information
Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Donation from Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd, Ms. Kate Metcalf - Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd, 2005
Courtesy of Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd.
Photograph, Colour
Hand-written in black ink on the back: 'L [arrow] R / Janice Keen / Margaret Brumby / Craig Patton (NZ) / Stefan Bodnar / Song Lee' 'Restaurant in State Street, Roch. NY'
Manufacturing & industry, Photographic products, Staff events
Type of item
Overall Dimensions
292 mm (Width), 101 mm (Height)