Group photograph of students from the Melbourne Continuation School, 1914. Of the 63 students, 20 are girls. This school was later called Melbourne High School. Irene Lowe is located at the far left in the front row.
Irene's daughter recalls that: 'She was lucky to have a brilliant teacher at Tongio West state school. He enabled two of his pupils to obtain Mining and Agricultural scholarships (awarded to schools with less than 150 pupils). For the next three years Irene was a student at Melbourne Continuation School - which later became Melbourne High School. She travelled by coach to Bairnsdale and train to Melbourne, lucky to able to stay there with a great aunt. In 1913, her school results qualified her for an Agricultural, Mining and Veterinary Exhibition to attend Melbourne University. She had come a long way from Cassilis!'
Photograph taken by the Allan Studio, 218 Smith Street Collingwood.
Part of the Irene Lowe Collection, which is part of the Invisible Farmer Project Collection. Irene Lowe was the first female graduate of Agricultural Science in the southern hemisphere. She graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1918. The Invisible Farmer Project was the largest ever study of Australian women on the land, uncovering the histories and stories of Australian women in agriculture. It began as a pilot project (2015-2016) and evolved into a three year (2017-2020) nation-wide partnership between rural communities, academic, government and cultural organisations, funded by the Australian Research Council.
Physical Description
Large monochrome photograph on card.
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Photograph - Silver Gelatin
Type of item
World War I, 1914-1918, Agriculture, Education, Irene Lowe, Women in Agriculture, Technology, Rural Life, Farming, Gender, School Portrait