Digital photograph of Cuc and Minh Lam posing in a doorway on their wedding day, Our Lady Church, Saigon, Vietnam, 30 May 1975. This photograph was taken three years before Cuc and Minh fled Vietnam in 1978 as part of a massive emigration after the end of the Vietnam War.
Description of Content
Man and woman dressed in wedding attire standing in a doorway.
Physical Description
Digital photograph
Statement of Historical Significance:
This collection demonstrates the risk and desperation involved in the refugee experience. It is extremely rare to acquire objects from refugees, as by the very nature of the experience, people carry little if anything with them, and what they do is usually lost or thrown away. It helps tell the story of Vietnamese immigration, which has played a significant part in the history of immigration to Australia, and assists in representing the period post 1975, when Australia's new political and social policies of multiculturalism were being implemented. This collection also provides further insights into life in one of Melbourne's principal migrant hostels - Midway in Maribyrnong. Finally the collection traces a life beyond the immediate refugee and settlement experience to demonstrate how migrants find their way in a new country, establish lives and assume leadership roles in their local communities.
More Information
Collecting Areas
Migration & Cultural Diversity, Images & Image Making, Public Life & Institutions
Person Depicted
Individuals Identified
Cuc Lam
Digital file, Black & White
Type of item
'Treasures of the Museum', Museums Victoria, 2004 page 32
Vietnam War, 1959-1975, Vietnam War Refugees, Vietnamese Immigration, Vietnamese Communities, Refugees, Weddings, Churches, Celebrations