This painting is by the well-known bark painter Buranday and is entitled "Poison Snake Ceremony". Three of the snakes have a similar form, in particular diamond shaped heads and their bodies are decorated with rarrk or crosshatching. The head of the fourth snake is different from these and painted white and it has long white lines along its back. The goanna is a water monitor. Buranday most likely painted this in the late 1950s.
Physical Description
A single sheet of bark (Stringybark, Eucalytpus tetrodonta) painted with natural pigments.
More Information
Painting, bark
Cultural Groups
Milingimbi, Eastern Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Australia
Date Produced
Object Measurements
1000 mm (Length), 550 mm (Width), 110 mm (Height)
Previous Owner
Mr Errol Beutel, circa 1962
Errol Beutel was a secondary collector who bought this work in the early 1960s. His private collection was purchased by CRA (now Rio Tinto). -
Collection Names
Type of item
Collecting Areas
Australian Indigenous - Northern Australia and Queensland and Torres Strait Islands