Brown plastic bag containing a collection of sewing materials. It was owned and used by Mirka Mora in her art studio in Tanner Street Richmond from the year 2000. Mirka located there after having lived in a number of residences and studios in Melbourne CBD, Toorak, and St Kilda.
This is one of a collection of artist's materials, sewing equipment, clothing and personal items relating to the life and work of iconic Melbourne artist Mirka Mora, sourced from her Richmond artist studio in 2019.
Mirka enjoyed collecting sewing boxes and implements, and she loved sewing, making soft sculpture dolls, and surrounding herself with beautiful fabrics. Her fascination with fabrics commenced in childhood, as she reflects in her book 'Love and Clutter': 'When I was a child, my mother would put aside pieces of fabric from the dresses she made for her three little daughters - silks, taffetas, cotton, wool, and a lot of lace and ribbons - all of unimaginable colours, different lengths and widths and quality. I coveted those pieces but wasn't allowed to investigate them until the age of eighteen; my memory of them is still very strong, probably because they were forbidden.' ('Love and Clutter, 2003, p.7)
Physical Description
Brown plastic bag containing various craft materials including: box of unopened 'Nutscene' garden twine, two large cards of ribbon - one black plastic beading and the other with coloured cloth flowers; a strip of embroidered lace, a small white crocheted bib, a broken packet of blue plastic buttons.
Statement of Historical Significance:
There are few names as synonymous with Melbourne's cultural and artistic life as Mirka Mora. Artist and café and restaurant owner, her larger than life personality and her very accessible and public art dominated Melbourne's cultural landscape for over 50 years. Mirka was a post World War II migrant and a leader in the formative years of Melbourne artistic and cultural urban development. Mirka embodied the spirit of bohemian Melbourne for decades and this diverse collection provides an entry point to appreciating the rich life of a complex, multi-faceted woman. The material represents a migrant, cultural and artistic life, revealing her artistic processes, influences and style,and brings the personal side of Mirka to life.
This collection also complements one of the migration collection's strongest sub-collections, the Immigration and Artistic Practice collection. This collection draws on artworks, materials, equipment, migration objects and oral histories to explore how Victorian migrant artist's adapt, develop and transform their artistic practice within a new social, cultural and artistic environment. It provides evidence of the richness provided to the documenting of migrant artist's lives, not just through their artworks, but through the materials showing how their practice evolved over time.
More Information
Collecting Areas
Migration & Cultural Diversity, Working Life & Trades, Clothing & Textiles
Original Owner
Migration, Settlement - cultural & social life, Tools & equipment
Type of item