'The Cape Times Week-end Magazine' for Saturday 24 February, 1968. The back page is a collage of photos from the Eoan Group presentation of 'South Pacific', with a short caption in the centre written in English. Sylvia Boyes first auditioned for the Eoan Group in 1958-59, and was part of the Eoan Group chorus from 1966.
Sylvia Boyes (a South African-born orphan) and Lindsay Motherwell (a Melbourne-born drummer) met in Cape Town, South Africa in 1967 through their theatre connections. They fell in love but due to apartheid laws were forced to leave South Africa to marry in London. They subsequently relocated permanently to Melbourne in 1970.
Physical Description
Front page is a full-page photo of a yacht called the Atlantic Challenger. Articles discuss a heart transplant surgeon, cruelty to children, gate fever, publishing Mein Kampf, sales, South Vietnam, the city weathercock, a sport star, aircraft crashes, gardening, pop music, surfing, nursery schools, the island Tristan Da Cunha, the Pill's side effects and ants. There are also advertisements and cartoons. Page 11 is a collage of photos from social events, and page 12 is a collage of photos from the Eoan Group's performance of 'South Pacific'.
Statement of Historical Significance:
This collection provides a significant opportunity to represent political and personal freedom as a motivation for migrating to Australia within the international context of both apartheid in South Africa and the end of the White Australia policy in Australia. The personal narrative is well documented and the objects provide a material way to follow the lives of both Lindsay and Sylvia, both separately and where they coincide in South Africa and onwards together to Melbourne. While this is ultimately a love story, it plays out through the collection against the backdrop of apartheid South Africa, sixties London and an increasingly multicultural Australia.
More Information
Collecting Areas
Type of item
Overall Dimensions - Closed
427 mm (Width), 613 mm (Height)
Overall Dimensions - Open
838 mm (Width), 613 mm (Height)
South African Immigration, Travel, Musicians, Jazz Bands, Immigration Policies, Apartheid, Racism, Entertainment, Performing Arts, Race Relations