Electric typewriter of the front strike typebar class manufactured by Litton Industries. The Royal Typewriter Company merged with the McBee Corporation in 1954 and traded as Royal McBee. The company was taken over by Litton Industries in 1964 and typerwriter production continued under the name Royal Litton until 1968.
Physical Description
Electric typewriter with grey metal casing. Power lead enters at left rear of casing. Carriage with cylindrical platen. Horizontal semicircular type cage with 45 typebars. Two ribbon spools on vertical axes, one on each side of type cage. Detachable metal cover over type cage and ribbon spools. Four-row qwerty keyboard with45 character keys and six control keys. One thumbwheel to left of keyboard, two thumbwheels to right. Four additional keys projecting from case above keyboard. Plastic cover, badly torn.
More Information
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Donation from Federal Office, Metal & Engineering Workers Union, Apr 1991
Label on front of casing above keyboard: '[Trademark] / LITTON ROYAL' Second label on front of casing below first label: 'BUSINESS MACHINES SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT / GEO. RAITT & CO. PTY. LTD / 371 GEORGE STREET, FITZROY 3065 / REPAIRS 4191022 SERVICE' On back of carriage: '[Trademark] /LITTON ROYAL' On right-hand rear of case: 'Made in England' Serial number on metal support for right-hand ribbon spool: '995-20-1431686'
Type of item
Overall Dimensions
710 mm (Width), 460 mm (Depth), 260 mm (Height)
Dimensions of typewriter only.