
One of a series of photographs taken by Museums Victoria staff photographer Ben Healley as part of a project to document the experiences of Victorians during the COVID-19 pandemic. This set of images documents the experience of mandatory quarantine for one family and the doctors, nurses, security personnel and hotel staff supporting and caring for them at the Novotel on Collins, Melbourne on the 13 and 14 May 2020. Here the curator, Rebecca Carland is speaking on the phone with the Hammond Smith family and museum photographer, Ben Healley is photographing the family at the window of their room from the 'execercise area' within the internal atrium of the hotel. This particular hotel had no outside open-air access for detainees to exercise.

Description of Content

Museum photographer Ben Healley photographs the Hammonds family in their hotel room at the Novotel from the balcony of another building. Senior Curator Rebecca Carland provides direction to the family over the phone.

Physical Description

Born Digital Image.

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