Black AS Colour brand t-shirt (size Medium) with printed message "Please Stay 1.5 Meters Apart" on the front top left hand corner and "Do Your Part Keep 1.5M Apart" on the back.
Worn by JB HiFi employee in April 2020 at the Airport West store. The t-shirt was provided by the company and was voluntary to wear. The Employee liked the sentiment because at the time customers weren't adhering to social distancing rules and were constantly approaching close to him.
In mid March JB HiFi made changes to their stores by reducing their opening hours, having the stores throughly cleaned every morning, reducing the number of customers in their stores at any one time, offering hand sanitiser, widening aisles and putting tape crosses on their floor to encourage social distancing.
Physical Description
Black AS Colour brand t-shirt (size Medium) with inscriptions in yellow on the front top left hand corner and on the back with a diagram of three figures spaced 1.5m apart.
More Information
Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Organisation Named
On front: PLEASE STAY / 1.5 METERS / APART On back: DO YOUR PART / KEEP / 1.5M APART Tag: BLACK / as / colour / MADE IN BANGLADESH / M
Type of item
Workwear, Electronics, Panic Buying, COVID-19 Pandemic, Pandemics