
Image of a half empty toilet paper aisle at Woolworths, Canterbury Rd, Blackburn South, 18th May 2020. The image was taken during the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic in Melbourne in 2020.

This photograph references the toilet paper panic buying that was happening around the world in the first few months of 2020, in response to the fear and uncertainty about the impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic would bring. The panic buying blitz led to widespread stock shortages, leaving many consumers without this household staple for several months. The shortage resulted in supermarkets introducing purchase limits of one packet per customer, while manufacturers and distributors worked around the clock to keep up with demand.

This image was taken several weeks after toilet paper purchase limits had been eased at Woolworths and other major supermarkets, yet the shelves are still half empty showing that demand is still high and buying habits are not quite back to normal.

Further panic buying happened in June-July 2020 when a second lockdown happened in Victoria due to a resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Description of Content

Partially empty shelves in a toilet paper aisle at a supermarket.

Physical Description

Digital colour photograph.

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