
Chinese wall hanging. It is one of a series of six quilted wall hangings, which were made by migrant women in 1987 at the Migrant Women's Learning Centre at Collingwood TAFE (now Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE). The wall hangings represent images of life of migrant women in their countries of origin.

The project to create these wall hangings brought together migrant women of many backgrounds, to create an artwork which illustrates six of these backgrounds. The images used in the panels reflect the memories that these women have brought with them to Australia, and the images that they associate with their lives in their countries of origin.

Physical Description

Quilted wall hanging using various materials to create a pictorial representation of a Chinese scene. It features an Asian woman dressed in what appears to be traditional Chinese costume. She is standing in a type of Chinese landscape. Her clothing is pale pink and is tied a the waist. Her hair is tied back and decorated with red ornaments. In the bottom right corner of the wall hanging are two Chinese symbols printed in red. The wall hanging is framed by a navy blue border.

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