
Alternative name(s): button

This badge was made around 1980. It was worn in order to raise awareness of the way war was experienced by women. The inscription is a line from the song the song 'Lest We Forget' by Australian singer/songwriter Judy Small. Women would wear this badge and sing the song on ANZAC Day.

Physical Description

Round Plastic coated badge with plastic backing with pin attached. Green text on pale blue mottled background.


Reason for Acquisition: Badges like these are commonly distributed and worn by protestors who take part marches, blockades and other public campaigns relating to legislation, Government policy, or community attitudes. They are often produced by political lobbying groups, and are worn on the day of the protest and afterwards, while the campaign is still current. Sometimes they are supplemented by posters, T-shirts and banners, and other ways of communicating the message. Although these badges are not provenanced to any one individual, they reflect the concerns of the members of the teaching profession during the 1980s and 1990s. Several are directed particularly at the Education policies of the Victorian Kennett Government.

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