
This apron was embroidered by the donor when she was a 12 year old child. She put it up for sale at a Presbyterian Girl's Guild annual bazaar in 1934. Her mother purchased the apron and sent it to the donor's aunt in Bathurst as a Christmas present. The aunt put bias binding around the edges as the donor didn't have any. The donor won first prize for the best piece of 'fancy work' at the bazaar. The apron was returned to the donor in the 1960s when her aunt 'broke up her home'. The donor never used it.

Physical Description

Apron of soft white linen onto which is embroidered a detailed picture, in outline, of Captain Cooks Cottage. Also included in the picture are numerous embroidered flowers in various colours. Stitches used in the embroidery include stem stitch, satin stitch and ladder stitch. The apron has two small pockets, one on either side, just below the bib. Green cotton edging has been used all around the edge of the apron and on the top edges of the pockets. The apron has cotton tape ties at the waist.

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