
Gaucho doll, sent to Henry Pregal by his grandmother in Argentina, shortly after he had migrated to Australia, with his parents and sister in 1965. The family decided to leave Argentina because they saw Australia as holding more opportunity, and because Mr Pregal, who was of Calabrian ethnicity, had family members who were already living here.

Gauchos made up the majority of the rural population on the South American plains in Argentina, Southern Chile, and Southern Brazil, during the 19th Century, making their living herding cows and practicing hunting. The typical gaucho outfit would include a woolen poncho, bombachas de campo (loose-fitting trousers), a boina hat and alpargatas (canvas shoes with a rope sole).

Muñeca Gaucho, enviada a Henry Pregal por su abuela en Argentina, poco después de haber emigrado a Australia, con sus padres y su hermana en 1965. La familia decidió irse de Argentina porque consideraban que Australia tenía más oportunidades, y porque el Sr. Pregal, quien era de etnia calabria, tenía familiares que ya vivían aquí.

Los gauchos constituían la mayoría de la población rural en las llanuras de América del Sur en Argentina, el sur de Chile y el sur de Brasil, durante el siglo XIX, ganándose la vida pastoreando las vacas y practicando la caza. El atuendo gaucho típico incluiría un poncho de lana, bombachas de campo (pantalones holgados), un sombrero boina y alpargatas (zapatos de lona con suela de cuerda).

Physical Description

Doll dressed in a grey hat, black boots, black and white checkered pants, a white shirt and a black bolero jacket. He also has a piece of brown fabric draped over his left shoulder, a piece of leather around his right wrist and a belt with three wooden balls is around the doll's waist. The doll has dark hair.

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