
Glass bottle of Tromax brand castor oil with a tin lid. Made by Sigma Co. Ltd, Melbourne and used in Victoria, Australia.

Sigma was founded in 1912 by two Melbourne pharmacists, Ernest Holloway Leete (1870-1953) and Edwin Thomas Church (1864-1947). Initially the business made proprietary pharmaceutical and hygiene-related products for shareholder pharmacists, including tooth powder, soap, hair lotion, tonic, catarrh remedy, rheumatic salts, and kidney and backache pills. In 1942 the business opened a new manufacturing facility in Port Melbourne; in 1961 the factory moved to Clayton. Sigma remains a significant wholesale and distribution business to pharmacy and owns Amcal, Amcal Max and Guardian.

In 1977, Tromax castor oil, and some other other Tromax lines, were transferred to 'Drug Houses of Australia'. (Victorian Government Gazette no. 60, 15 July 1977).

Physical Description

Glass bottle of Tromax Castor Oil with a tin lid. The bottle has a label attached to it which has a mainly yellow background. There is extensive text in navy blue from u.l. to u.r. to l.l. to l.r. There is a motif in the l.r. corner in a triangular shape. Contains oil.

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