
Black and white wood block engraving from The Australasian Sketcher. 6 September, 1888, p. 140, published by Wilson & McKinnon, Melbourne. The engraving depicts the view eastwards down East Avenue towards Nicholson Street, from underneath the temporary annexe dome at the intersection between the West and East Avenues and the main north-south Avenue of Nations, which extended from the Northern Transept of the permanent Exhibition Buildings during the Melbourne Centennial Exhibition, 1888-89.

Physical Description

Black & white wood block engraving from The Australasian Sketcher. The engraving depicts the view eastwards down East Avenue towards Nicholson Street, from underneath the temporary annexe dome at the intersection between the West and East Avenues and the main north-south Avenue of Nations, which extended from the Northern Transept of the permanent Exhibition Buildings during the Melbourne Centennial Exhibition, 1888-89. The words Engineering, Agriculture and Commerce and visible on the eastern faces of the dome walls, above the phrase 'Art and Science'. The portico to the South Australian court, situated on the north-east corner of the East Avenue, is visible on the left, while the Victorian court is on the right. The Avenues are festooned with flags, and a large crowd is gathering towards the end of the East Avenue.

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