Toy typewriter with false keyboard, operated by turning a wheel to select characters and pressing a lever or a button down to print. It is accompanied by its original box. A sheet of paper with typing is on the platen.
Physical Description
Box: Covered corrugated tan coloured cardboard box with yellow and red printing on 2 sides, front and lid. The lid has red printed inscription and printed picture of head and shoulders of boy and girl and toy typewriter. Front has inscriptions in two yellow with red outlined rectangles. The two sides have identical yellow with red outlined squares with inscriptions insde. The back and base of box is plain cardboard. On the base of box, there are four rusted and loose staples. Typewriter: Painted red metal(tin) toy typewriter with yellow plastic guide knobs. Painted blue, white, grey and black keyboard. Blue paper roller with typed paper inside. Daisy wheel attached to keyboard with red press button which lifts daisy wheel. On back of typewriter are instructions for use numbered 1-4. Daisy wheel has inscriptions.
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Acquisition Information
Box: Printed, lid, red ink: FOR TYPING LETTERS, NOTES, LABELS, CLUB REPORTS ETC. USEFUL & INSTRUCTIVE/ METTYPE JUNIOR/ WORKING TOY TYPEWRITER. Side and front, similarly inscribed with addition of: ARTICLE NO 4315/MADE IN GT. BRITAIN/IDEAL FOR BOTH GIRLS AND BOYS. Typewriter: Painted, daisy wheel and back of typewriter: [extensive text]. Piece of paper on platen: (text)/6th August 1964/(text)
Type of item
Overall Dimensions
310 mm (Width), 195 mm (Depth), 145 mm (Height)