
Pair of men's brown leather calf-length lace-up riding boots. Made by H(?) Posker(?), circa 1939.

The boots belonged to the donor's husband, Hector Frazor Donald, born in 1907 in Warrnambool. From January 1939 to July 1942 he was employed by the Maffra Waterworks Trust and Sewerage Authority.

This is thought by the donor to be the period during which the boots were used - on trips into the mountain country north and east of Maffra. A photograph in the supplementary file shows a friend dressed in riding breeches and boots very similar to those from this donor.

Physical Description

Pair of men's brown leather calf-length boots. Boot have leather laces threaded through eyes to the ankle and then onto a series of seven pairs of steel hooks. At the top of the boots are two straps and buckles. The soles of thick leather are secured with numerous small nails.


A relative advised that a Posker had a leatherworks shop in north Sydney (Dee Why) well before 1939. His whereabouts after the War are unknown. The relative explained that the name 'Posker' is of Finnish/Swedish origin, originally Puoskari, cut down to form Posker by deed poll. It may have originally been an old slang term for a military doctor (like saw bones) or quack (email, 20.2.2012). It is unknown how this person relates to the Posker boots, which were made in South Melbourne.

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