
Large brooch crafted by William Turner of Beechworth, Victoria, circa 1860, from locally sourced gold and citrines from the Ovens District of Victoria. The brooch is presented with the bottom attachment available to be used as a complementary pendant.

William Turner was originally a goldfields official who became a commissioner on the Ovens goldfield, and later a resident warden, at times performing magisterial duties and chairing the Local Court. He is known for his use of precious and semi-precious stones from the rich diggings of Beechworth, and other areas of Victoria.

In 1865 William Turner, Charles Frederick Falck (another Beechworth jeweller), and Melbourne barrister, George Milner Stephen, prepared a dazzling display of gems and jewellery from Beechworth for the Royal Society's Exhibition. This act signposted Beechworth's progress as a nineteenth-century gold rush town with a population of around 3,000. It is likely that this brooch was displayed at that exhibition.

Physical Description

Brooch set with an oval citrine surrounded by gold bunches of grapes and scrolling grape vines and a swallow, with a similarly set pendant drop set with a pear shape citrine.

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