Woodturning tool, circa 1950 - 1990, taken from Area B1 at Adolph Bruhn & Son's Wood Turners Shop, 283 Coventry Street, South Melbourne. The business was established by Adolph Bruhn circa 1893 in Little Collins Street, Melbourne. Upon his death in 1919 it was then operated by Adolph's son Sophus Christopher Bruhn. Upon Sophus's death in 1959 his son Sophus Walter Bruhn took over the business. In 1970 Sophus reduced the scale of the business and relocated to South Melbourne. The business closed upon Sophus's death in January 1990.
Adolph Bruhn migrated to Australia from Germany in 1884, at the age of 29. He arrived in Adelaide where he lived for 10 months before moving to Victoria, where he settled, established his business, married and had five children.
Physical Description
Unidentified woodturning tool. Long metal object with long shaped wooden handle and copper alloy ferrule. Tool has rectangular metal rod, with flattened and curved blade at end, sharpened on one side. Pale wood handle, once varnished, has lines incised at other end and centre.
More Information
Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
User (Possible)
Mr Adolph Bruhn - Adolph Bruhn & Son, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, circa 1893 - 1919
User (Probable)
Sophus Christopher Bruhn - Adolph Bruhn & Son, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, circa 1919-1959
Mr Sophus W. Bruhn - Adolph Bruhn & Son, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, circa 1959-1970
Mr Sophus W. Bruhn - Adolph Bruhn & Son, South Melbourne, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, circa 1970-1990
Type of item
Overall Dimensions
4.3 cm (Length), 61.7 cm (Height)
German Communities, German Immigration, Handcrafts, Woodturning Industry