
Alternative Name(s): Button

Round metal badge inscribed 'America Day Cheer-Up Society S.A., with image of female figure draped in American flag. Made by A W Patrick. 3 Unley Rd., Adelaide, circa 1915-1918.

The Cheer-Up Society of South Australia held four appeal days during World War I: 4 November 1915, 30 November 1917, June 1918 and 29 November 1918. Gatherings of the society included a meeting on 17 April 1917, recorded in the Bunyip (Gawler, SA). Presided over by the Mayor, Mr W. H. Cox, it was held in the 'Cheer-Up Room'. It was announced that permission had been obtained from the authorities to hold a Button Day and demonstration on 'Anzac Day,' 25th April, and asking for the co-operation and help of the Society. The object was to open a fund to enable the Association to build or purchase premises as Headquarters of the Association in South Australia, to beused by all members of the Assoctiation. This drive was to take place throughout the Commonwealth, although each State would act separately. It was 'hoped that all residents of and visitors to the town will show tangible proof that the soldiers are not forgotten by their fellow Australians, the soldiers who have done and are doing, their bit towards the defence of the Empire and upholding of the honor of Australia.' Two Buttons will be offered, one with a wreath and 'Remember Anzac' printed thereon, and the other a photo of General Birdwood. Farewell socials for soldiers and comforts were also arranged.

Physical Description

Round metal badge with white background and other colours of red and blue. Female figure draped in American flag with a series of flags in her hand, like a hand of cards. Words around edge of badge. Name and address of maker on lower, outer rim. Pin at back fits into slot.

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