
Stamp attached to page. From the Danson Stamp Collection.

Single black 1 Shilling stamp, issued by Commonwealth of Australia, 2 June1934, commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Colonization of Victoria.

The first permanent 'settlement' in Victoria was in 'Portland' on Gunditjmara Country by the Henty family, who were originally farmers from Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania). Held between October 1934 and June 1935, the Centenary firstly commemorated Edward Henty's Portland settlement in November 1834 as Victoria's founding.

This collection was formed by Mr Cyril Victor Danson in the mid-1940s and developed by him until 1954, when he married. The collection numbers more than 9500 and is particularly strong in the areas of airmail and British Commonwealth stamps.

Physical Description

Single black stamp depicting an indigenous Australian man holding spears looking across a river at a city. Postmarked top-right corner.

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