
Letter from Nikos Demetracopoulos to Des Connor, director Union Theatre Melbourne, dated 1950. The letter is in regards to his offer to perform Antigone.

In 1951 Nikos Demetrakopoulos directed a production of Sophocles' 'Antigone' in modern Greek at the Union Theatre at Melbourne University. A theatrical milestone, it was probably the first production of Greek tragedy in Greek in Victoria. Lili Sigalas had a minor part in the play, and was instrumental in organising the logistics of the production and was an active interpreter.

Lili Sigalas had migrated to Australia in 1922 to marry Letho Sigalas. She and Letho moved in a very sociable set, composed of her own young Greek cousins. Lili also travelled abroad frequently, and was active in the Melbourne Greek community.

Physical Description

White lined paper written in blue ink, in Greek.

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