
Alternative Name(s): Female Relative Badge, Female Relative's Badge

Female relative's badge from World War I, no. 146811.

Under Military Order 280 of 1917 (later Military Order 1818 of 1918), badges such as this were issued by the Department of Defence to the closest female relative of men serving overseas. Badges like this one were issued to the closest female relative of men serving in the Australian Imperial Force. An alternative badge, which replaced the 'AIF' in the centre with an anchor, was issued to the closest female relative of men serving in the Royal Australian Navy. During World War II a single design was created for the female relatives of men serving in all services. Bars were added to the base of the badge to indicate other relatives serving overseas.

Physical Description

Blue and silver badge. Safety chain and brooch fastening.

Obverse Description

Oval shape with crown at top and 'AIF' in the centre. Text around blue enamel oval; 'ISSUED BY DEPT. OF DEFENCE / TO WOMEN OF AUSTRALIAN'. Blue enamel scroll below has text; 'FOR DUTY DONE'.

Reverse Description

Pin attachment and text; 'STOKES & SONS / MELB/ STG. SIL. / 146811'.

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