Folding tourist map of Paris, double-sided, in a red cardboard cover, printed by Dufrénoy. It is described (in French) as providing a practical itinerary for visitors. It was probably purchased during World War I.
The map was donated by John Lord (World War I service # 6252), who donated sizeable collection of significant World War I to Museum Victoria including six photograph albums containing hundreds of original images, 14 postcard albums, pamphlets, magazines, an almanac and a diary. It is believed that some of the material did not originally belong to Lord. He served in hospital and field ambulance units, and was on the Western Front 2 July 1916 to 20 October 1918. He was granted leave to visit Paris from 15 to 23 September 1917, and remained in France for some months after the war ended, so if he purchased the map himself it would have been some time between 1916 and 1919.
The Library of Congress holds a copy of this map dated circa 1878 (G5834.P3E644 1878 .D8) although without the red route markings.
Physical Description
Small red booklet with folded map attached within. Map is double sided, in colour, depicting Paris, with routes marked in red. Booklet covers are cards covered in red buckram with gold lettering.
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Collection Names
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Acquisition Information
Donation from J. Lord, 1986
Place & Date Depicted
Date Purchased
Title printed at top: 'NOUVEAU PARIS MONUMENTAL / ITINERAIRE PRATIQUE DE L'ETRANGER DANS PARIS'. Lower right: 'Imp. Dufrenoy, 49, rue du Montparnasse. Paris'.
Type of item