
Alternative Name(s): Battle of Waterloo

Set of information about the Waterloo Campaign, 1815, comprising three maps, two tables and two memos. They were sent from the headquarters of the 4th Australian Division to several of its units on 15 and 16 March 1919, shortly after World War I.

The maps depict the Battle of Quatre Bras, 16 June 1815; the Position of Armies in Front of Waterloo, 18 Jun 1815; and Ligny, Order of Battle, 1815. The tables depict the Duke of Wellington's Army Positions, Battle of Waterloo, 16-18 Jun 1815 (two copies). The covering memos are dated 14 and 15 March 1919.

The group is considered a set.

Physical Description

Three printed maps, two printed tables and two memos, all on off-white paper.

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