Wooden model of a Malayan, three-masted sailing vessel, one of a number of similar models displayed in the Straights Settlement (Malayan) Court at the Melbourne International Exhibition, 1 October 1880 - 30 April 1881. At the close of the exhibition, the model was donated to the Museum by the Commissioners for the Straits Settlements.
Physical Description
Wooden, three-masted sailing vessel with provision for 10 or 20 oars, partly decked with a rudder, clipper bow and dragon figurehead.
More Information
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Donation from Straits Settlement Commissioners, Exhibition: 1880 International, Melbourne, 1881
Place & Date Exhibited
Royal Exhibition Building (REB), Exhibition Building, Carlton, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 1 Oct 1880 - 30 Apr 1881
Straits Settlement Commissioners, Straits Settlements (Malaysia), 1 Oct 1880 - 30 Apr 1881
Public events, Melbourne international exhibition 1880, Exhibition heritage
Type of item
Exhibitions: Melbourne International, 1880-1881, Royal Exhibition Building, Sailing Vessels, Boats, Model Boats, Cultural Traditions, Gonos (Boats)