
Typewriter of the typewheel class manufactured by the Hammond Typewriter Company of New York, USA. The design was invented by Jame Bartlett Hammond and was first patented in 1880. The Model No. 1 came on the market in 1884. This machine is a Model No. 26 Multiplex Universal which was introduced in 1913. In 1916 a metal cover was introduced to protect the mechanism above the keyboard and the machine became known as the Multiplex Closed Universal.

In this typewriter the characters are carried on a curved strip or shuttle which is attached to a swinging wheel. Pressing a key rotates the wheel and shuttle to bring the selected character into position opposite a hammer. The spring-driven hammer then strikes the paper against the character and ribbon. Because the printed impression of each character was controlled by the hammer spring and not by the force with which the operator struck the key the Hammond typewriters had the reputation of producing very even looking print.

Different shuttles were available, allowing changes in fonts and languages. In the Multiplex model two shuttles could be attached to the typewheel at the same time so that fonts could be changed simply by rotating the typewheel through 180 degrees on its spindle. Hammond typewriters were available with either a curved keyboard (known as the 'Ideal') or a straight keyboard (known as the 'Universal'), as with this machine.

Physical Description

Metal frame fixed to wooden baseboard. Circular metal type shuttle on vertical axis. Black-enamelled metal cover over mechanism between type shuttle and keyboard. Two ribbon spools on vertical axes, one on each side of shuttle. Three-row straight QWERTY keyboard with white circular keys with black lettering. Black-painted metal machine cover which latches on to wooden baseboard.

More Information

  • Collecting Areas

    Information & Communication

  • Acquisition Information

    Donation from C. S. Middleton, Apr 1961

  • Manufacturer

    Hammond Typewriter Company, New York, New York, United States of America, circa 1920

  • Inscriptions

    On front of mechanism cover above keyboard, label with world map surrounded by letters: 'FOR ALLL NATIONS / HAMMOND / AND TONGUES / TYPEWRITER' Below world map, in gold lettering: 'Multiplex / MADE IN U.S.A. / Hammond / Model 26' On front of machine cover: 'Multiplex / [World map logo as above] / Hammond' On cardboard label attached to frame of machine: 'ATTENTION! / CARRIAGE LOCKING SCREW / [Text explaining use of locking screw]'

  • Classification

    Communications, Typewriting, Mechanical

  • Category

    History & Technology

  • Discipline


  • Type of item


  • Overall Dimensions

    367 mm (Width), 359 mm (Depth), 208 mm (Height)
    Dimensions with cover in place and paper guide folded down.

  • Overall Dimensions

    367 mm (Width), 358 mm (Depth), 285 mm (Height), 9.5 kg (Weight)
    Dimensions of typewriter with cover removed and paper guide extended. Height excludng base = 230 mm.

  • Keywords

    Typewriters, Office Equipment