Letter dated 8 July 1918. From AIF Base Records Office, Victoria Barracks to Mrs. A. Mitchell, notifying her of the award of Meritorious Service Medal to 3429 Corporal (temporal Sergeant) A.G. Mitchell, as promulgated in "Commonwealth of Australia Gazette" No. 67, 3rd June 1919. The letter includes a copy of an extract from Supplement No. 31132 to the "London Gazette", dated 17 January 1919, which announces that "His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve of the award" in recognition of Corporal Mitchell's "valuable services rendered with the Armies in France and Flanders".
Aubrey Mitchell was recommended for the Meritorious Service Medal for his actions on 26 March to 25 August 1918: 'During the Dernancourt operations from 27th April to 6th May, 1918, the ability and courage he displayed in readjusting disorganised traffic during heavy shell fire was most marked, and set a splended example to all N.C.Os and men under his charge. During the Hamel operations on the 4th July 1918, his work again displayed admirable ability and devotion to duty, in controlling very heavy volumes of traffic under trying circumstances when our columns were being subjected to enemy shelling and bombing. Throughout the operations which commenced on 8th August, 1918, and have continued up to date, this N.C.O. has maintained splended control over all traffic passing through the Divisional Area. An outstanding feature of this N.C.O.'s fine work is that on several occasions when on tours of inspection of the posts under his charge, he has remained for long periods on badly shelled spots, embuing his men with greater confidence by the splended example he set them.' (Meritorious Service Medal recommendation, 17 September 1918.)
Aubrey Gamaliel (sometimes spelt Gamliel or Gamabel) Mitchell was a 31-year-old engine driver from Bendigo when he enlisted to serve in World War I on 17 July 1915 - service no. 3429. He served in the 4th Australian Division Traffic Control Detachment and was recommended for the Military Medal in 1917, then was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal in 1918. He was gassed in France, and was discharged on 26 January 1920, medically unfit. Aubrey died in 1978, three weeks before his 94th birthday.
Physical Description
Single page letter on AIF letterhead. Letter text is printed with typed particulars and [illeg] signature of Base Records officer in charge at bottom of page.
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Acquisition Information
Donation from Victorian Branch, Returned & Services League of Australia Limited (RSL), A. G. Richards, 1986
Awarded To
Sergeant Aubrey G. Mitchell - Australian Imperial Force (AIF)
Letterhead, printed: AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE./ BASE RECORDS OFFICE. VICTORIA BARRACKS. Body of letter, printed and typed: Melbourne, 8th July, 1919./Dear Madam,/I have much pleasure in forwarding hereunder copy of extract/from Supplement, No. 31132, to the "London Gazette," [extensive text].
Type of item
Overall Dimensions
210 mm (Width), 168 mm (Height)