Black and white photograph of New Zealand veterans of the Gallipoli campaign, then convalescing in England, marching down Whitehall towards Westminster Abbey in London. They are saluted by Lieutenant-General Sir William Birdwood, commanding I ANZAC, Anzac Day 25 April 1916.
One of three prints.
Physical Description
Black and white photograph on paper.
More Information
Collection Names
Military Memorabilia Collection, Returned and Services League (RSL) Collection
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Donation from Victorian Branch, Returned & Services League of Australia Limited (RSL), 24 Feb 1986
Place & Date Depicted
Whitehall, London, England, Great Britain, 25 Apr 1916
Originally identified as 1919; however, in 1919 the soldiers marched with guns and bayonets; in 1916 they marched unarmed as in these photos. -
Person Depicted
Past Owner
Captain Morris Lewis - 44th Battalion, 3rd Division, 1st A.I.F.
44th Battalion, 3rd Division, 1st A.I.F. -
Individuals Identified
Handwritten on back: 'W114' Printed on back top: 'W.114. / ANZAC DAY IN LONDON. ALL HONOR TO / THEM. / It was a proud day for General Birdwood / as he stood in Whitehall and saluted / the men as they marched to the Abbey.' Printed on back centre: 'THESE PICTURES ARE ISSUED AND CONTROLLED / BY THE / PHOTOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION Co. / 234, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON W.C.1. / TO WHOM ALL CHEQUES AND COMMUNICATIONS / MUST BE ADDRESSED.' Printed on back bottom: 'COPYRIGHT / NEWSPAPER ILLUSTRATIONS, LTD / 161A, STRAND, W.C.2. / 'PHONE GERRARD 8808.'
Type of item
Image Dimensions - Photograph
20.3 cm (Length), 15.2 cm (Width)
Information on identification of photo as 1916 Anzac Parade from Monash University researcher Dr Gareth Knapman, 23/3/2011. Information on identification of photo as 'New Zealand veterans of the Gallipoli campaign convalescing in England, marching down Whitehall towards Westminster Abbey. They are saluted by Lieutenant-General Sir William Birdwood, commanding I ANZAC, Anzac Day 25 April 1916' from New Zealand military historian Christopher Pugsley, 12/7/2017.
Anzac Day, Australian Military Forces, Commemorations, Events, Militaria: Australian, Military Memorabilia, World War I, 1914-1918