Alternative Name(s): Military Map
Ordnance Survey trench map, Douve, Belgium, World War I, dated May 1917. Part of sheet 28. Scale 1:5,000. Trenches corrected to 1:4:17.
Used by Captain Morris Lewis during World War I, the map is inscribed 'M. Lewis. Lieut.' Captain Morris Lewis, 44th Battalion, Third Division, First AIF, was born in Wales in 1892 of Jewish heritage. He was a 23-year-old tailor living in Perth when he enlisted to serve in World War I. He applied for a commission in May 1916, and left Fremantle for England on 6 June 1916, where he received training. Lewis was sent to the front in France in November 1916 and was wounded on 29 September 1918. He was awarded the Military Cross 'For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when the enemy delivered a couterattack and penetrated part of the line. This officer led a party and drove him out, inflicting severe casualties. He set an excellent example to his men.' He survived the war and served again in World War II.
Physical Description
Printed map, in red, blue, orange and brown on off-white. Creased and scorched (?) at folds.
More Information
Collection Names
Military Memorabilia Collection, Returned and Services League (RSL) Collection
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Donation from Victorian Branch, Returned & Services League of Australia Limited (RSL), 24 Feb 1986
Place & Date Depicted
Used By
44th Battalion, 3rd Division, 1st Australian Imperial Force (AIF), 1917
Previous Owner
Captain Morris Lewis - 44th Battalion, 3rd Division, 1st A.I.F.
Map, Black & White
Labelled 'Douve'. Extensive text throughout. Inscribed 'M. Lewis. Lieut.'
Type of item
Primary support
930 mm (Width), 684 mm (Height)
Maps, Militaria: Australian, Military Memorabilia, World War I, 1914-1918