Wax model of Williams Bon Chretien pear and seeds, the variety also known as Williams, Duchess, and Bartlett. The Williams Bon Chretien is a dessert variety, harvested in early autumn.
Model based on specimen from Charles Allen Jnr of South Brighton in 1875. The model was made in the museum by Thomas McMillan for the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition of 1876.
The Melbourne Leader reported on 17 October 1874 (p.9): 'Mr. Charles Allen, Jun., Mount View Garden, consisting of 10 acres, established ten years, and situated 11 miles from Melbourne, was found to be in many respects a very capital garden, although the produce generally was not so various nor so heavy as the previous ones. The fruit trees are numerous ana excellent, being planted with judgment and skill on the angles, 15 ft. each way. Peas are largely grown, and looked a profitable crop. Parsnips, cauliflowers, turnips, onions, potatoes, rhubarb, lettuce, and peet were all promising well. The fruit trees include a capital variety of the leading kinds, very clean; also oranges and strawberries. The buildings are small but useful, and several excellent shelter fences are provided.' Charles had been working his 10-acre plot for a decade, located 'in the midst the heath-like country that stretches along the coast from Brighton'. His plot had a northerly aspect, with a gentle slope, less exposed to the sea breezes than other gardens in the neighbourhood. His soil was 'the usual black sand' of the district, later described as 'of a spongy nature requiring thorough draining to enable crops to be grown on it successfully during wet seasons.' (Melbourne Leader, 24 October 1874, p.9)
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Collection Names
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Acquisition Information
Donation for Modelling from Mr Charles Allen Junior, 1875
Mr Thomas McMillan - Industrial & Technological Museum, Victoria, Australia, 1875
Grower of Item Modelled
Mr Charles Allen Junior, Brighton South, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 1875
Type of item
BRIGHTON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. PRIZE MARKET GARDENS. (1874, October 17). Leader (Melbourne, Vic. : 1862 - 1918), p. 9. Retrieved September 3, 2018, from [Link 1] COMPETITIVE GARDENS. (1874, October 24). Leader (Melbourne, Vic. : 1862 - 1918), p. 9. Retrieved September 3, 2018, from [Link 2]
Exhibitions: Philadelphia Centennial International, 1876, Museum History, Wax Fruit Models