
IBM "computer exercising machine" for diagnosis of malfunctions, with templates for various machines, 1960s.

This computer exercising machine enabled a technician, if there was a problem, to "single-step" through a long program, observing the correct steps and pouncing on the incorrect computer response to identify the problem. Alternatively, it could single-step through test programs.

Physical Description

Grey rectangular metal box on four rubber feet. The front is whitish with a series of swoiches and a battery of monitoring lights. At the back is a pocket containing number of templates, which can be fitted over the battery of lights. The top of the box has a carrying handle and an aerial type rod, which can be pushed down and returns to position when released. At the rear is a heavy cable with a large connector. The machine is accompanied by a Parts Catalogue, two Unpacking Instruction Sheets, and documentation on the I/O Tester.

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