Circular felt badge with image of diving helmet for the Rye Scuba Divers, made circa 1963.
Physical Description
Circular black felt badge, embroidered in gold thread with a wreath consisting of two semi-circular branches linked at the bottom. Within the wreath is embroidered in gold thread a circle. Within the circle is embroidered in pale gold the words "RYE SCUBA DIVERS". In the centre of the badge is embroidered in green and pale gold a representation of a diver's helmet in profile. On the back of the badge the embroidery is backed with cotton material and there are remnants of paper backing. There are remnants round the edges of black thread used to attach the badge to a garment.
More Information
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Donation from Mr Raymond T. Ball, 06 Jan 1993
Issued By
Embroidered text: RYE SCUBA DIVERS.
Type of item
Object Measurements
12 cm (Width)