Telegraph embossing register for receiving and recording telegraph signals..
In operation, the intermittent current generated by the received signals causes the embossing stylus to be intermittently pressed on to a moving paper tape. The stylus embosses a series of long and short marks on the tape, with the length of each mark depending on whether the duration of the current flow is long (producing a dash) or short (producing a dot.)
The register mechanism is driven by a falling weight attached to a chain passing over a sprocket on the main drive shaft.
In this object, the coils which cause the embossing stylus to move are missing, as is the embossing stylus.
Physical Description
Wooden baseboard with scalloped edges. Space for two missing vertical coils at one end of baseboard. Gear mechanism enclosed in brass case with stylus mechanism mounted above case. Stylus missing. Arm to hold spindle and reel of paper tape attached to side of brass case. Various terminals for wire connections.
More Information
Collection Names
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Acquisition Information
Donation from (Estate of) Mr John J. Thompson, 27 Apr 1915
Mr John J. Thompson, 12 Rose Street, Armadale, Greater Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 27 Apr 1915
Type of item
Overall Dimensions
290 mm (Length), 140 mm (Width), 290 mm (Height)