6.3 volt indirectly heated cathode, manufactured by AWV, Sydney, Australia, 1958-1960. Manufactured for "Miniwatt" Division of Philips Electrical Pty. Ltd., Artarmon NSW.
Semi remote cut-off pentode designed for use as a gain-controlled IF amplifier in television receivers.
Both the box and the valve are branded 'Philips Miniwatt' but the excise mark (¼) on the box indicates that it was actually manufactured by the Amalgamated Wireless Valve Company (AWV) in Sydney. One company manufacturing valves for another was very common practice in the valve manufacturing industry.
Physical Description
Tubular glass bulb on seven pin miniature glass button base with top exhaust tip. Valve is contained in rectangular yellow and blue coloured cardboard box with internal cardboard packing.
More Information
Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Unknown Acquisition Method from Unknown Source, 1981
Manufactured For
Miniwatt Division, Philips Electrical Pty. Ltd., Atarmon, New South Wales, Australia, 1958-1960
Amalgamated Wireless Valve Company, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 1958-1960
Bulb: "Miniwatt"/6BZ6/(red)MADE IN/AUSTRALIA/(paper label)6BZ6 All sides of box: PHILIPS/"Miniwatt"/(Philips logo)/RADIO VALVE One side of box: (paper label)6BZ6 End of box: PHILIPS/TO TEST/REMOVE VALVE FROM CARTON/PHILIPS End of box: PATENTS NOTICE INSIDE/PHILIPS/6BZ6/MADE IN AUSTRALIA/(excise mark 1 over 4)
Brand Names
Type of item
Overall Dimensions
64 mm (Width), 26 mm (Depth), 27 mm (Height)
Dimensions of box containing valve.
Part Dimensions
54 mm (Length), 18 mm (Outside Diameter)
Dimensions of valve only.