Dual diode used as a detector and AVC rectifier in radios and other communications equipment. 6.3 V indirectly heated cathode, manufactured by RCA, Harrison NJ, USA
Manufactured for British services.
This valve was manufactured by RCA in the United States for the British Services probably under Lend-Lease arrangements. Its characteristics were the same as the type EB34. Its British military designations were VR54, 10E/11400 and CV1054. Contrary to the paper label on the base, the valve is not a 6V6GT.
Physical Description
Tubular glass bulb on octal base with all pins present. Black coating on outside of bulb for screening. Base shell is metal painted black.
More Information
Collection Names
Collecting Areas
Acquisition Information
Unknown Acquisition Method from Unknown Source, 1981
Radio Corporation of America (RCA), Harrison, New Jersey, United States of America, 1941-1945
Manufactured For
Bulb: (handwritten in pencil)EB34 Paper label on base: 6V6/GT Base: Radiotron/MADE IN U.S.A. BY/RCA/1638/V.R.54/10E-11400
Brand Names
RCA (Thermionic Electron Valves) , Radiotron (Thermionic Electron Valves)
Type of item
Overall Dimensions
78 mm (Length), 30 mm (Outside Diameter)