
Medal commemorating the Centenary of Birth of Napoleon, France, 1869 AD

Mint: not recorded.

Napoleon Bonaparte, later known as Napoleon I, was a French military commander born on 15th August, 1769 in Ajaccio, Corsica.
He died on 5th May, 1821, in Longwood, Saint Helena, He was 51.

Physical Description

Round bronze medal. The obverse depicts the head of Napoleon laureate, facing right, inscription around. The reverse depicts Napoleon's hat, sword and book on a cushion in centre, with a decoration. A laurel wreath below and a crowned eagle above.

Obverse Description

Head of Napoleon laureate, facing right, around: SOUVENIR DU CENTENAIRE DE L'EMPERUER NAPOLEON I / 1769 =1869

Reverse Description

Napoleon's hat, sword and book on a cushion in centre, with a decoration. A laurel wreath below and a crowned eagle above. On book: CODE /NAPO/LEON

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