
Medal Coronation of Napoleon, Issued by Paris, France, 1804
Artist: Bertrand Andrieu and Romain Jeuffroy
Minted by Paris Mint

Obverse Description

Head laureate right; around, NAPOLEON EMPEREUR, below in small letters DENON DIR. / ANDRIEU F.

Reverse Description

Napoleon, in his imperial robes, holding the staff of royalty, surmounted by the French eagle, in his right hand; he stands on a shield, which is supported by two men; the one of these on the left, represents a Member of the Senate, in his official costume, with a book open behind him, on which is inscribed LOIS. LOIS.; the other, on the right, represents a French soldier, behind him an antique ploughshare, it being presumed that he had quitted the plough and became a soldier to preserve the State; around, LE SENAT ET LE PEUPLE. in exergue, AN XIII / DENON DIR JEUFFROY F.

Edge Description



"struck, by the order of the French Government, to perpetuate the great event of the Coronation of Napoleon to be Emperor of the French. After Bonaparte had arrived to the dignity of First Consul, which he thought proper to have established by the people, the legislative bodies pointed out to him the necessity for his taking the imperial title. Carnot was the only one who opposed it, as he also did against vesting the Consular power in Bonaparte for life; but this trifling opposition gave the affair ra-ther the appearance of free debate. The Tribunate of the 5th May passed a vote, that Napoleon Bonaparte, the First Consul, be proclaimed Emperor of the French, and be invested with the government of the French Republic; that the title and the imperial power be made hereditary in his family in the male line; and the rights of the people to be preserved in all their integrity. This decree was carried by acclamations, with the exception of Carnot.

Joseph and Louis Bonaparte were created Princes of France; the former made Colonel of the 4th regiment of the line, and ordered to Boulogne to join the Army of England. The Consul Cambaceres, President of the Senate, presented the Act to the new Sovereign on the 18th May, at St. Cloud, and addressed him in a long speech, which ended by saying, - the Senate entreat his Majesty, that their decree be carried into execution immediately, and that Napoleon be proclaimed Emperor of the French.

The Emperor replied, - that all which would contribute to the good of the country is closely connected with his happiness: he accepts the title they think necessary to the glory of the nation, and hopes France will never repent surrounding his family with honours.

The Senatus Consultum was proclaimed by the Emperor, and published in Paris next day at noon. His Imperial Majesty made his Highness Prince Joseph Bonaparte, Grand Elector; Prince Louis Bonaparte, Constable; the Consul Cambaceres, Arch-Chancellor; and the Consul, Le Brun, Arch-Treasurer of the Empire. They took the oaths prescribed in presence of the Emperor. " Laskey p. 76-77 (his descripton continues to p.80 ending with the fetes and frieworks on 3 December)

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