
Medal Capitulation d'Ulm et de Memmingen 'Capitulation of Ulm & Meningen', Issued by France, 1805
Artist: Jean Pierre Droz and Louis Jaley
Minted by Paris Mint

Obverse Description

Laureate head of Napoleon facing right, around, NAPOLEON EMP. ET ROI.; on neck truncation in small lettering, DROZ FECIT. below, DENON DIREXIT / M. DCCC VI.

Reverse Description

Emperor Napoleon in Roman costume, his head laureated, standing in a BIGA, drawn at full speed by horses; he holds the reins with both hands, (perhaps intended to represent Mars, god of War, in his chariot drawn by his two horses named by the poets Flight and Terror); above, Victory bearing in one hand a laurel wreath, and in the other, the palm branch of peace; under the belly of the horses, in the back-ground, are seen two small figures with the turreted crown on their heads, Ulm and Memmingen, in the act of supplication to him; in exergue, XVII . OCTOBRE . MDCCCV. / CAPITULATION / D'ULM . DE MEMMINGEN / LX . MILLE . PRISONNIERS; below in small lettering the arist's and series director's names JALEY. FT. DEN. DIR.

Edge Description



"As this medal embraces two different scenes of action, we shall but briefly mention the capitulation of Memmingen, which took place on the 14th October. On the 13th, Soult appeared before Memmingen, and on the day following it capitulated; the terms of which were generally considered as a proof of treachery on the part of the Austrian general in command.

By the various movements which had previously taken place, General Mack had most injudiciously diminished his army to little better than 40,000 men opposed to now nearly 140,000, and he had now no chance to escape except that of cutting his way through some part of the line that surrounded him. It is indeed impossible without having recourse to the idea of treachery, to account for that absolute stupidity with which Mack had all along clung to this position at Ulm, and he now found himself cooped up in a town, but little capable of defence, whilst the whole of his outworks and the heights that commanded the place itself, were in the occupation of Napoleon, who now on the 15th of October seemed anxious to avail himself of his positions, and accordingly, as if to hasten the final surrender of the Austrian army, made every preparation for storming the place.

Napoleon having made these preparations, lie sent in a summons to General Mack, in which he called upon him to capitulate instantly, or to abide the event of a storm; these demands having been received by Mack, he, after the appearance of a short hesitation, agreed to all the terms proposed, which were, that Ulm should be surrendered, with all its magazines and artillery; the garrison, to the number of 30,000 men, being allowed to march out with the honours of war; then to lay down their arms, whilst the principal officers should be allowed to return to Austria upon parole; the Subalterns however and privates were all to be sent prisoners to France.

This took place on the 17th, but Mack stipulated for delay to the 25th of the month, and Napoleon agreed, that if either an Austrian or Russian force should arrive before midnight of that day, sufficiently strong to blockade Ulm, than the capitulation was to be of no effect.

Anxious to lose no time, Bonaparte invited General Mack to an interview on the 19th, and on the assurance that no succour could possibly arrive, he signed an additional article, by which he agreed to evacuate the place, and surrender the army the next day, the 20th, on the condition, that the corps of Marshal Ney should not advance more than ten leagues from Ulm before the
25th at midnight." Laskey 9 -98

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