
Medal La Fortune Conservatrice, 'Preserving the Fortune of Napoleon', Issued by France, 1803
Artist: Nicholas Guy Antoine Brenet
Minted by Paris Mint

Obverse Description

Head of Bonaparte left; below, BRENET / DENON DIREXIT

Reverse Description

Fortune Conservatrix seated right on vessel with her right hand on the rudder; above, the star of destiny (representing Napoleon); around, A LA FORTUNE CONSERVATRICE; in exergue, BRENET. L'AN 4 DE BONAPARTE

Edge Description



"This medal requires no farther elucidation than what it presents on its own face, the evident good fortune that had attended Napoleon during the first four years of his reign. The resemblance to the head of Augustus which the medal bears, is in allusion to the supposed likeness of that Emperor to Bonaparte. In several of the addresses to the Emperor, this character is recognised." Laskey p.63

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