
Medal Sovereignties Granted, Issued by France, 1806
Artist: Bertrand Andrieu
Minted by Paris Mint

Obverse Description

Laureate head of Napoleon facing right; around, NAPOLEON EMP ET ROI; on neck truncation in small lettering, ANDRIEU F.

Reverse Description

At right, a chair of state, it's uprights ornamented with bees and surmounted with globes; over the back is thrown a loose drapery; the arms of the chair are formed by two eagles with expanded wings, over the front one of which reclines the sceptre of state, with Charlemagne enthroned the top holding an orb and sceptre; on the left, before the chair stands a table on which are placed a number of crowns and sceptres; on the ground lie two crowns and the Doge's cap, in disorder as if thrown from the table; above, an eagle with wings spread standing on fasces which is bound round the French Sceptre of State rather than the usual axe or spear; in exergue, SOUVERAINETES DONNEES / MDCCCVI.; below in small letters, ANDRIEU F. DENON D.

Edge Description



"When we recollect the many and great alterations in the sovereignties on the continent of Europe, during the dynasty of Napoleon, we are not surprized at the flattery here displayed by this medal. The electors of Wirtemberg and Bavaria were elevated to kingly dignities; his brother Louis, king of Holland; Joseph was crowned king of Naples ; and Jerome, king of Westphalia: the sovereignty of Neuffchatel was transferred to Marshal Berthier, and the principality of Guastalla to the Princess Paulina, and her husband the Prince of Borghese; while the crowns on the floor are emblematic of those states overthrown by the power of his arms, or the crooked policy of their own governments." Laskey p.117-118

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