
Medal commemorating the Battle of Marengo, Issued by France 1800.
Artist: Bertrand Andrieu
Other Details: Produced by electroforming

Obverse Description

Within a rectangular frame surrounded by trophies and flags, the battle scene; above, head of Napoleon facing right; around, BONAPARTE PREMIER CONSUL DE LA REPUBLIQUE FRAN.; in exergue, BATILLE DE MARINGO / LE XXV PRAIRIAL / AN.VIII.; on exergue line in small letters, ANDRIEU.F. AN.X.

Reverse Description


Edge Description



"The armies had been fourteen hours within musket-shot of each other and wanted rest. Victory wavered on each side four times during the day, and sixty pieces of cannon were alternately won and lost. When the battle ended, the French had taken twelve standards, twenty-six pieces of cannon, and 7000 prisoners. The Austrians lost seven generals, 400 officers, and 8000 men killed or wounded. The French lost Generals Desaix and Watrin killed, four Generals of Brigade wounded, and 3000 men killed, wounded, and prisoners." Laskey p. 36

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