
Medal 'Repas donn & par la Ville de Paris', 'Coronation Festivities', Issued by France, 1804.
Artist: Napoleon Jeuffroy and Andre Galle
Minted by Paris Mint

Obverse Description

Head laureate facing left; around, NAPOLIO IMPERATOR; below, GALLE FECIT

Reverse Description

Napoleon in Roman armour, seated on an elevated platform, he holds in his left hand the staff of royalty, surmounted by the eagle of France; and receives the City of Paris, head turretted; behind her, on the right, an ship, with a winged Cupid holding the rudder with his head is turned towards the star of destiny in the centre of which is the letter N; around above, TVTELA PRAESENS. in exergue, EPVLVM SOLLEMNE / IMPERATORIS IN CVRIA / VRBANA . FRIM . A . XIII.; the names of the artists, PRUDMON DEL. JEUFFROY FEC. on the exergue line.

Edge Description



"On the I6th of January, 1804, the city of Paris gave a splendid entertainment, at the Hote d'Ville to the Emperor Napoleon and the Empress Josephine. At this entertainment, Napoleon, in his address to VI. Frochet, the Prefect of the City, assured him, "That he had always entertained, and will preserve, a particular affection for his good city of Paris." This medal was struck to perpetuate the event of this grand entertainment. " Laskey p. 83

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