
Medal Failed Assasination Attempt, Issued by France & Italy1802.
Artist: Luigi Manfredini, Milan, Italy
Minted by Milan Mint

Obverse Description

Bare head facing left; in field behind, a star; around, BONAPARTE . REIP . ITAL . PRAESES.; below, ANNO III; on neck truncation the artist's initials, L.M.

Reverse Description

At left, three winged Fates seated on clouds holding thread; at right Destiny sits, his left foot on a globe, he looks towards the thread which represents the life of Napoleon and holds a pair of sizzors pointing awy from it; around above, DVX . TVTVS . AB . INSIDIIS. (Translation: Our leader is safe from ambushes); in exergue, the artist's initials, L.M.

Edge Description



"A medal commemorating the unsuccessful attempt to destroy Bonaparte at Paris, by means of a machine loaded with combustibles, on the 24th December, in the year 9 of the Republic. He was on his way to the theatre, when a most violent explosion broke the windows of his carriage, and killed several persons, besides many being wounded. It is said that on this occasion, Napoleon, together with the Generals and his whole suite, escaped death only by a miracle; and that himself owed his life to a half drunken coachman, who in a most extraordinary manner drove full gallop through the narrow street, which was almost barricaded by the cart which contained the infernal machine. " Laskey p.42

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